Wednesday, December 9, 2020

the answer is Christmas!

 what time is Santa around? Christmas

snoopy fought the baron at what time? Christmas
what is the time when Jesus was born? Christmas 

at what time do set up you're Christmas tree? Christmas

you put decorations on what type of tree?  a Christmas tree 
what tree do you put presents under? A Christmas tree

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

can you guess the object.

 It lives in the north pole and maybe some other countries.

It has blue eyes and turns to gold in the summer.

here is a picture can you guess what it is.

Monday, December 7, 2020

What Christmas toy is your favourite.

 Starting off we have the bubble wand can you guess what year that was from.

If you guessed 1940 then you were right.

Next up we have a toy from 1956 can you guess what it is.

It was play dough.

This one is from 1980 it twists and turns and its hard to solve do you know what it is.

A Rubik's cube of course.

Fast forwarding to 2002 we have the classical bey blades.

And for last from 2020 I was surprised at this it's a baby Yoda plush toy.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Eat more sugar!!!

 We have been learning about the sugar increase in India I think it's fine how it is and they should not increase the sugar levels. 

Reading vocab

we had to match up some words for our reading vocab i coloured them the same for each the answer here is just a little bit of what I have do...